Payment Security and PCI Compliance
With ClientPay’s end-to-end payment processing solution, every transaction is secure from start to finish. We protect you with the highest level of PCI Level 1 compliant technology. Partnering with ClientPay means you never have to store sensitive payment information, decreasing your security obligations and, in turn, reducing your PCI scope.
Designed with data protection in mind
Powerful Data Encryption
All payment data is immediately encrypted to protect it at rest and during transit.
Secure Technology
Our solution undergoes ongoing scans and regular external security audits.
No-Charge PCI Compliance
We provide assistance to help your firm become and remain PCI compliant—all at no extra cost.
Enhance data security in your firm and reduce your PCI scope
We utilize advanced fraud prevention, powerful data encryption methods, and robust cybersecurity measures with a system designed to ensure private information is safe.
Offer clients secure recurring payments
We safely store payment details on our secure servers with tokenization, allowing you to use recurring billing without having to store sensitive information.
Enjoy a simplified PCI compliance process
We provide expert guidance throughout the PCI compliance process, from completing your first questionnaire to assisting with annual renewals.
We are here for you on demand
Our in-house team of Certified Payments Professionals is available via phone, email, or chat to offer on-demand security and compliance support.